Tile picture

 A large scale of tile picture composed of many tiles has been decorated on walls in palaces or churches and a tile picture with 6 or 9 tiles were decorated in a cityzen's house.

Border Pattern

  A decor is usually painted inside a border frame such as circle or diamond square although there are many tiles that a frame is not drawn. In early tiles triple circles or diamond square were often drwan influenced by Spanish or Italian Majorica tile. Border frame line itself were also colored.

 There are variety of border patterns such as circle, suare, quarterfoil, accolodate, oval, octagon etc., which also enhances the attractiveness of Delft Tiles.

 There are another kind of tiles called "open air" on which no corner mochief nor border pattern are painted. An open air tile is often seen in a tile with landscape decor.

Corner Mochief

 A corner mochief is one of characteristics with Delft Tile. A corner mochief is a design painted on corners of tile. When tiles are plastered on a wall, a corner mochief of each tile forms certain patterns combined with a corner mochief of other tile. In case of early tiles, a corner mochief often seen is rossete design or foliage design that was influenced by Majolica Tiles. There are many types of corner mochief: Fleur-de-lis, Mock-fret(Wan-Li), Spider, Ox-head(derived from Leaf and it looks like a head of ox), Carnation etc. A corner mochief of early tiles is painted in details however as a time goes on, a design is simplified and its size becomes smaller due to the requirement of manufacturing cost reduction.

Rossete and Foliage in early tiles
Ox head and its derivatives

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