
 Insect design is also not so many. Dragonfly, Snail and so on. Although it is not insect, Frog and Crab are seen.


 A Bird on a birch is often depicted. A polycrom bird depicted in 16th century is very attractive. As a time goes on, a tile picture of canary is often drawn. A rooster is also popular. The last polycrome bird tile is an English Delft decorated with "Bianco Sopra Bianco (White on White).

Cityzen and Occupation

 Daily life and occupation of Dutch people in 16th and 17th centuries are very vividly depicted. There are variety of decors: begger, wounded soldier, vomitting or urining person, chinese motief influenced by imported porcelain from China called chinoiserie.


"People Life"


Landscape and Shepherd

 Not only farmland but seaport scene or castle are depicted. A shepherd or shepherdess design is popular. A sheep is extreamly deformed. In some cases a shepherd is explained as a fisherman with misunderstanding because shepherd's pole is deemed as a fishing rod.



Ship and Fishing Boat

  VOC Ship of Dutch East India Company is very popular. Even cannon smoke is depicted on some VOC Ship tiles. The last tile below depicts a lighthouse.

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